Continue discounting chicks, need to check it out.
1、CC's Los Angeles dc02, $13.99 per year, next renewal on August 7, 2025, 2C, 1G, 20GB, 3TB data usage, remaining value of $92, $70 with email out (normal IP, unblocked, IP report: https://Report.Check.Place/IP/GY9U49G53.svg) ;2、racknerd's Los Angeles dc02, $11.88 per year, next renewal on July 23, 2025, 1C, 768MB, 10GB, 2TB data usage, remaining value of $75, $55 with email out (normal IP, unblocked, IP report: ;
3、zgo Los Angeles AMD Performance VPS - Specials - Lite, annual price of $35, next renewal on August 1, 2025, 1C, 1G, 20GB, 600GB data usage (CMII2 for three networks), remaining value of $226, $200 package PUSH with email out (normal IP, unlock good).