Provide account password support for change, main email as the owner does not provide gift, need to change your own email, email change needs 5 days. Need small window contact. Do not deceive or cheat.
Limited configuration low price. America West has CN2GIA line in Hong Kong. Hong Kong has CMI latest line. Japan has Softbank.
Configuration as follows:
Physical Location: Hong Kong Node ID: v8510 VPS ID: 1839273
Public IP address: 45.78.XX.XX
SSH Port: 29132
Status: Running, LA: 0.00 0.00 0.00 1/126 62774
243.28/2048 MB
0/1024 MB
Disk usage (/):
4.16/40 GB
Bandwidth usage:
Resets: 2024-09-15
0.96/1000 GB
Operating system: Ubuntu 24.04 x86_64
Hostname: KVMV5-THE-PLAN-V1 change
Expiry time :
2024-10-15 Yearly payment 92.26 already using coupon