Thank you for your support and love! Last month, I was interrogated by the police for four days. They informed me that they may hold me personally responsible for others' illegal use of Telegram because the French authorities had not received an answer from Telegram. This is surprising, given several reasons:
1. Telegram has an official representative in the EU who handles requests and replies to them. Their email address is publicly available, so anyone searching for "Telegram EU执法地址" can find it easily.
2. The French authorities have many methods to contact me to seek help. As a French citizen, I often visit the French consulate in Dubai. Not long ago, when asked, I helped them set up a hotline with Telegram to combat terrorism threats in France.
3. If a country is unsatisfied with internet services, it usually takes legal action against those services. Using outdated laws like those used before the smartphone era to accuse a CEO of committing a third-party crime on their platform is wrong. Developing technology itself is already difficult enough. If innovators know they will be held liable for potential misuse of these tools, they won't develop new ones. |