"To set up an HTTP server as a picture upload service in Python 3, you need to follow these steps:
1. Install Python 3 and pip:
Use the command `sudo apt update` to update the package list.
Then use `sudo apt install python3` to install Python 3.
Finally, use `sudo apt install python3-pip` to install pip for Python 3.
2. Check if the installation is successful:
Run the commands `python3 --version` and `pip3 --version` to check the version of both Python 3 and pip.
3. Set up the HTTP server:
Create a file called `python-http.py` in your home directory using `touch /home//python-http.py` or any other method to create a new file.
In this file, add the following code:
import http.server
from http.server import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
PORT = 8090
Handler = SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
class MyHandler(Handler):
def end_headers(self):
self.send_header('X-Powered-By', 'Python/{0}'.format(http.server.__version__))
def log_message(self, format, *args):
with http.server.HTTPServer(('localhost', PORT), MyHandler) as httpd:
print("serving at port", PORT)
This creates a simple HTTP server that listens on localhost port 8090.
4. Configure Systemd:
Create a systemd unit file named `python-http.service` in the `/etc/systemd/system/` directory.
The contents of the file should be like this:
Description=Python HTTP Server
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 -m http.server 8090
This sets up the HTTP server with the specified configuration.
5. Reload systemd, start the service, and enable it:
Reload systemd by running `sudo systemctl daemon-reload`.
Start the service by running `sudo systemctl start python-http`.
Enable the service by running `sudo systemctl enable python-http`.
6. Check the status of the service:
Check the status of the service by running `sudo systemctl status python-http`.
7. Use reverse proxy services like Nginx, Caddy, or Cloudflare Tunnels to redirect traffic to the HTTP server:
Upload the necessary files using WinSCP or any other FTP client.
Set up the reverse proxy server (e.g., Nginx) with the IP address and port of the HTTP server.
Forward the requests to the HTTP server through the reverse proxy.
8. Test the setup by accessing the server's IP address and port number.