Before Alibaba Cloud saw a domain, the price was high, but by chance, I found it on West Digital's website for a very low price. After studying it extensively, I realized that this domain belonged to West Digital from the start, and initially thought the seller was selling it at a lower price in Alibaba Cloud because of its location. However, after researching further, I discovered that both Alibaba Cloud and West Digital were partners who sold each other's domains, thus making a profit. The original domain was either from Alibaba Cloud or West Digital. If the original domain was from Alibaba Cloud, then West Digital would sell it at a lower price; if it was from West Digital, then Alibaba Cloud would sell it at a higher price. Some collaboration domains appear on both sides. Collaboration domains are generally good domains. For example, someone might post baidu.com on Alibaba Cloud with a price of 999 yuan. Then, West Digital could sell it for 1999 yuan or even more. Even Alibaba Cloud may give the domain a tag like "White Gold." In summary, Alibaba Cloud sells its domains at a higher price than West Digital. Before buying a domain, compare it between both platforms to avoid being scammed. |