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发表于 2024-10-1 06:12:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

"To set up an HTTP server as a picture upload service in Python 3, you need to follow these steps:
1. Install Python 3 and pip:
  • Use the command `sudo apt update` to update the package list.
  • Then use `sudo apt install python3` to install Python 3.
  • Finally, use `sudo apt install python3-pip` to install pip for Python 3.

    2. Check if the installation is successful:
  • Run the commands `python3 --version` and `pip3 --version` to check the version of both Python 3 and pip.

    3. Set up the HTTP server:
  • Create a file called `python-http.py` in your home directory using `touch /home//python-http.py` or any other method to create a new file.
  • In this file, add the following code:
             import http.server
             from http.server import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
             PORT = 8090
             Handler = SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
             class MyHandler(Handler):
               def end_headers(self):
                 self.send_header('X-Powered-By', 'Python/{0}'.format(http.server.__version__))
               def log_message(self, format, *args):
             with http.server.HTTPServer(('localhost', PORT), MyHandler) as httpd:
               print("serving at port", PORT)
           This creates a simple HTTP server that listens on localhost port 8090.

    4. Configure Systemd:
  • Create a systemd unit file named `python-http.service` in the `/etc/systemd/system/` directory.
  • The contents of the file should be like this:
             Description=Python HTTP Server
             ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 -m http.server 8090
           This sets up the HTTP server with the specified configuration.

    5. Reload systemd, start the service, and enable it:
  • Reload systemd by running `sudo systemctl daemon-reload`.
  • Start the service by running `sudo systemctl start python-http`.
  • Enable the service by running `sudo systemctl enable python-http`.

    6. Check the status of the service:
  • Check the status of the service by running `sudo systemctl status python-http`.

    7. Use reverse proxy services like Nginx, Caddy, or Cloudflare Tunnels to redirect traffic to the HTTP server:
  • Upload the necessary files using WinSCP or any other FTP client.
  • Set up the reverse proxy server (e.g., Nginx) with the IP address and port of the HTTP server.
  • Forward the requests to the HTTP server through the reverse proxy.

    8. Test the setup by accessing the server's IP address and port number.
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